Saturday, 17 November 2012

The Roaring Twenties.

For me this is the period that mostly inspires me. It’s the period were art and design is well combined and designed. In fashion the ladies are always well groomed and all garments well finished touches such sequins and fur, hair always curled and styled, and always accessorized with matching chic items. I also really like the fact that at that time all the people followed same fashion line.
Art Deco and Surrealism were the arts followed at this time. Art Deco also affected the architecture. Art Deco is characterised by use of materials such as aluminium, stainless steel, lacquer and inlaid wood. Surrealism began in post-World War I European avant-garde literary and art circles, and many early Surrealists were associated with the earlier Dada movement.

Movies well the best way to make people laugh after all the pain caused by the WWI. During this time we find the greatest change of movies from the silent movies to the talkies. In these films we find the perfect images/examples for fashion and Art deco designs.

My concept for this assignment will be studying history of this period to create a transformation of the highlight of this period in a fashion line of twenty pieces. The fashion line will consist of day wear and evening wear.


Scott, Robert, 2012, 1920's Art. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 November 2012]


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