Saturday, 17 November 2012

L'instant Taittinger
Taittinger was a French wine family who were very famous for the production of champagne. This Art Deco poster was created by Claude Taittinger the Presedent of the company. This poster features Grace Kelly a (very  famous actress of the time) behind the huge champagne glass.
This poster is only based on two colours brownish yellow the colour of the chamapgne and black as a very bold colour. The light background gives a sense of  hamony to the poster. The shape of the triangle in the glass is also repeated in the dress. It creates a balance in the picture in the above and lower area. The picture is mainly focused on the right hand side but balanced with the writing and the faint silhouette in the shadow. The white reflections in the glass give the only sense of roundness in the glass.
Scott, Robert, 2012, 1920's Art. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 November 2012]

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